Some one very special told Kurtis that he was easy to love. It wasn't me. It did get me to thinking though. Kurtis is really easy to love. It really didn't take me long to figure that out. He is the most thoughtful, considerate loving man ever. I am blessed to have been smart enough to marry him. Lynk is blessed to have him for a dad.
When a man loves a women...he calls her in the middle of his work day to say I miss you and I love you. He puts the baby down for a nap, even though it takes twice as long when he does it. He holds her in the middle of the living room floor when their dog dies. He tells her she is beautiful everyday. He cares about what she has to say. He works A LOT so she can be home with there kids. He eats vegetables for her. He asks her what she needs. He makes her laugh daily.
Kurtis Gibson. I don't love him just because he is good at loving me, but it does help.
This is very sweet. Makes me proud of my boy.