Thursday, November 19, 2009

10 Months

10 Months

Lynk is 10 months old today. We are getting so close to the first birthday.

Here is what he is doing now...

I will start with the most exciting, he took his first steps

He loves to read, he even reads by him self (sometimes he screams at the books)

He learned how to open and close anything and everything

He can say seven words which are...mama, dada, dog, duck, up, meow, and woof

He loves to play peak a boo. He will cover his own face now and then pull the blanket off.

He crawls to his high chair when you ask if he wants to eat.

He took his first plane trip to Washington.

He loves dogs. Love might not even be a strong enough word.

He loves to eat crackers.

He has a great sense of humor. He laughs with us a lot. Even at midnight.

Christian and Veah...Oh so cute!