Thursday, November 19, 2009

10 Months

10 Months

Lynk is 10 months old today. We are getting so close to the first birthday.

Here is what he is doing now...

I will start with the most exciting, he took his first steps

He loves to read, he even reads by him self (sometimes he screams at the books)

He learned how to open and close anything and everything

He can say seven words which are...mama, dada, dog, duck, up, meow, and woof

He loves to play peak a boo. He will cover his own face now and then pull the blanket off.

He crawls to his high chair when you ask if he wants to eat.

He took his first plane trip to Washington.

He loves dogs. Love might not even be a strong enough word.

He loves to eat crackers.

He has a great sense of humor. He laughs with us a lot. Even at midnight.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Treats for everyone but me :(

We went to treats in the streets. It was fun! Unfortunately Lynk only experienced the street not the treats.

He went as a Lynkasourious

Look at all the cuties

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

9 months

Our 9 month old boy is growing so fast. He is a joy to be around, doing all sorts of fun and exciting things. He has started to be a hyper little guy. We love him so much. Here are some of his favorite things to do.
1. EAT
2. cuddle with mama and daddy
3. practice standing by my self , I think I am up to a minute
4. Bath time (I crawl to the bath as fast as I can when I hear it go on)
5. Be chased and then tickled
6. Play out side
7. dance, I do a nice booty shake
8. Point at places I want to go or things I want
9. read books, I can turn the pages now and point to all the fun stuff inside
10. Laugh, my parents are really funny
Here are some things he doesn't like too much
1. dipper changes
2. Cloths
3. swings
4. sleeping by himself at 4 in the morning
5. broccoli

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just some cute pictures

He started to sleep on his tummy!
He is a very fast crawler.

He loves taking showers and baths
with mommy and daddy.

This is his first time with a cookie
we had to take it a way because he
tried to put the whole thing in his mouth

Now he tried a home made cookie

He love to eat. Mostly bananas.
He knows how to take bites from
a whole one.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

how fun is this

Lynk has been getting very strong in the last month or so.
He can sit up from a laying position and then he can pull him self up to stand. He has just started crawling. Because of this new strength two awesome things have happened. 1)He crawls over to me to cuddle. This is so fun. 2)He also stands up in his crib and says mama mama mama! Kurtis and I are so proud of our little guy. He is growing up and doing the cutest things. Standing on his own in a brand new thing too. He can stand with no help for a few seconds. I am excited to see what he does this week. We are just so in love with him. He makes our family so beautiful.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wow we are already here???

Kurtis and I have been married for three years now. YAY!! I know it is not that long but it is exciting. We started dating almost four years ago. It all started with a 5 hour talk over the phone. Then there was a great first date. We fell in love quickly and effortlessly. He asked me to marry him about 8 months later and then 4 long months after that we had an awesome wedding. That was three years ago? We have a beautiful baby boy and a place that feels like home. I love this. I love being married to Kurtis he is kind and thoughtful and he is such a great dad. I love being Lynks mom. I love our little house. The first three years was great. I wonder what the next three years will bring us.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

(Lynk is saying this sound all day long)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

When a man loves a women

Some one very special told Kurtis that he was easy to love. It wasn't me. It did get me to thinking though. Kurtis is really easy to love. It really didn't take me long to figure that out. He is the most thoughtful, considerate loving man ever. I am blessed to have been smart enough to marry him. Lynk is blessed to have him for a dad.

When a man loves a women...he calls her in the middle of his work day to say I miss you and I love you. He puts the baby down for a nap, even though it takes twice as long when he does it. He holds her in the middle of the living room floor when their dog dies. He tells her she is beautiful everyday. He cares about what she has to say. He works A LOT so she can be home with there kids. He eats vegetables for her. He asks her what she needs. He makes her laugh daily.

Kurtis Gibson. I don't love him just because he is good at loving me, but it does help.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

We have come to find that Lynk is already interested in gaming. His preference is the Xbox 360. He loves the controller....we tried to give him riley's controller but he didn't want it. He wanted daddy's. Of course this makes us very happy and proud. Well Kurtis doesn't like dying because Lynk is trying to put the right trigger button in his mouth, but it is cute.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My life at home

It has been almost four and a half months. I love my little Lynkers. He is a joy. He is amazing. He brings (happy) tears to my eyes daily. How do you love someone this much? I knew I wanted to be a mom at a very young age. I never knew it would be this great. Hard...? YES! Exhausting...? YES . But it is the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced.
When I was pregnant people would say "enjoy your life now because soon its going to be over" It would basically piss me off. Wow what a positive thing to say to a women about to have a baby. I felt bad for there kids (hopefully they didn't have any). My life is not over. Sure I can't do what ever I want to when ever I want to do it. It is almost better that way. It teaches me to be selfless and patient.
I am still home with him. Thanks to Kurtis.
What does Lynk do now.....
he laughs a lot
smiles at everyone
grabs toys off the floor and puts them in his mouth
loves to sit (he can almost do it by himself)
talks to his daddy on the phone
loves books
loves baths
roles over
plays with his feet
sticks out his tongue

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Our beautiful dog Eugene has left us. One moment here alive and well and the next lifeless and alone. Kurtis found him in our backyard. We have no idea what happened or why he died so young but he did. I only had 3 years with him but he was my baby. I loved him so much. I don't even think I knew how much I loved him until now. He was a big part of this family and I want him back. When Kurtis told me what had happened I cried, and cried and cried. Kurtis held me as we sat on the floor until I was calm and he cried too. I thought it was my fault. We should have taken him to the vet, I shouldn't have put him out side, I shouldn't have yelled at him , he didn't get enough attention. The truth is it wasn't any ones fault, we are great pet owners who loved him so much and cared about him. It is just a part of life. We gave our other dog cracker to a good family about three months ago, because of a move, and that was hard too. But this is so much different, we had no time to prepare. We had no last good byes. I know people might think he was just a dog but my heart is still broken for him. He was supposed to play with my little boy. He was supposed to be here longer and I am going to miss him.


...loved to play with the broom

...pounced on the light a laser made

...loved taking walks

...hated bikes

...played with Kurtis on our bed in the morning

...loved Riley Mills, he would follow her around non stop when she was here

...was a super hero with Christian

Monday, March 9, 2009



chase them

love them

pop them

run from them

eat them

Midnight Snack

Kurtis and I took the kids last week. They feel asleep at Papa's house. We thought it was perfect timing, they would be asleep in the car and then we would just carry them to bed when we got home. Oh were we wrong. They were both wide awake when we got home with no chance of going back to sleep soon . So we put a movie on for them. They both sat in the chair and watched, Lynk joined too.
We put veah to bed first and she cried for 30 minutes. We couldn't listen to her cry any longer it was to sad. Yes I know we are softies. When we took her out of the crib we sent Christian to bed we told him that he had to close his eyes and try to go to sleep. Vaeh got to come in our bed. We thought she would sleep but she was singing and talking and playing with her baby. This was at about midnight. I realized it has been hours since dinner and maybe she was hungry. So she got a midnight snack of fishes and bananas. As she was eating we both herd a noise coming from the room so I went in to check on Christian and he was peeling the paint of our walls. He said he was bored. We asked them both if they wanted to come in our bed.Of course they did. Christian and Kurtis stayed up and talked about the pretend air planes stuff that were flying on our ceiling. Vaeh and I just hung out with her baby. At one I told them they had to stop talking and try to go to sleep. I think they feel asleep at one thirty. Christian and I woke up first and we ate donuts and watched jungle book. Kurtis and Veah were asleep until eleven.
Christian had to wake up Kurtis and
I had to wake Vaeh. We had such a fun day . We played at Riley's which could have gone better. The girls weren't into sharing anything. We also went to the park which was really fun. Veah loves to swing. Christian did everything. They both took a nap. Then they got to take a really long bath. Christian drew on the wall with soap. Kurtis came home early and took the kids and Eugene for a walk. Then we all went to small group. Christian really loved it. He had a lot of fun playing with Harley. Vaeh and Riley made another attempt at friendship but it didn't work. They will be friends by may. I was sad to take them back.On the way home I asked Kurtis if he still wanted three kids or more and he says yes as long as they are all boys. I say yes too boys and girls though.

All the fun!

They are here. my sister has been living in Japan for a year now and we haven't seen them since they left. Well, they came home last week and they are going to be here for two months. It's only been a week and we have already had so much fun.
Christian is so excited. He gets to play with all of us and he is loving it. Vaeh is the sweetest little girl, and she is so cute. She left when she was six months old so we are just getting to know her now. She loves babies. She could hold Lynk all day long. She is already a little mommy holding her baby and cleaning up after Christian and herself. I can tell Mallorie is so glad to be back. She now has family to hang our with and to help her. I just wonder when she is going to get tired of us. She has a few friends in Japan but there is nothing like your family.
When Lynk was born love filled us up like we had never experienced before. I love him so much more then anyone in the world. I guess I just didn't realize until I saw Christian and Veah that the love is very similar and close. I love both of them the same way I love Lynk. It was a little overwhelming in a good way.

I cried only a couple of times. Christian and I have had a special bond since he was born and when I saw that it was still there and he knew it, it made me cry just a little. Mallorie is such an amazing mother. She plays with them and laughs with them. She holds them, and hugs them. They are great kids and she is doing a really good job.

I am so excited and happy that we get to spend some time with them!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life is Good

I have my dream job.
We might have enough money with out me working. it's looking more toward yes we will.
Kurtis has his dream job.
We have a healthy, beautiful, fun, perfect little boy who sleeps through the night.
We have a stable place to live. with neighbors we know, and hang out with.
My sister and her kids are coming to visit for two months.
My mom is coming for a week.
Whitney is not only a great sister but a great best friend who loves to come over and just sit here with
me while I feed and hold Lynk, well she holds him too. She also lets me take a shower and takes care of the
baby. We talk for ever and laugh at nothing.
Lynk's grandparents love him. like crazy good love.
Eugene started eating again.
Our car is working well.
We have a great group, with in our church, of support.
Kurtis and I are very much in love.
Mostly life is good because our baby smiles at us.
This morning Kurtis got up to change Lynk and bring him out to me to feed him. Kurtis laid him in bed and I said hey Lynk. Lynk turned his head really fast looked at me and smiled. I started to talk to him and he smiled more. He started moving his hands and feet while smiling and he looked excited. It might have been hunger but I am going to go with excitement to hear mamas voice.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Four Weeks Old

Our little boy is four weeks old already. He is so cute, still looks like daddy. He sleeps five or six hours at night (which is great). He is smiling at us. He also just started to move his head to look at us and his eyes will follow us as we walk by. He loves bath time. He really likes it when his whole body is under water. Bed time stories are a big hit too. We read Guess how much I love you, goodnight moon, and Kurtis reads the Bible to us at the last feeding of the day. He sleeps in the crib really well. We love our little man and can't wait to see what he does next week.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Riley Walk

Taking walks can do so many different things for a person. You can loose weight with an exercises walk. You can relax on a beach walk. You can fall in love on a romantic walk. You can bond with the who family on a dog walk. For me, at this moment my favorite walks are Riley walks. She has created her own way of walking. They are fun, full of energy and appreciation.

These walks don't have to be done only by Riley I think anyone can do them. You just have to be really excited to walk. (So excited that you want to scream and jump up and down) On this walk , walk, then run for a little, you can change it up and walk backwards, jump when ever you feel the need to, even lay down and take a break (enjoy every moment). Stop at the trees you think are the most special, look at them and say "tree". If there is a tree that deserves more then a simple look hug it, or touch it. When you are on this very special walk take the time to notice all the animals around. The cats and dogs and birds, and feel free to make the nosies that they make. Always stop to smell the flowers and the weeds that look like flowers. One of the best parts of this walk is saying hi to everyone who you come into contact with. It's not just saying hi either it is saying hi as many times as you need to until they say hi back. You can even leave little gifts for a neighbor. Riley likes to leave leafs. If it is a night walk take a long look at the moon and stars. Watch every helicopter of airplane that goes by. Pick a spot (the same spot every time) and stop there for a while. Just sit and think about the day.

This walk praises God by enjoying and recognizing his creations. Saying hi to people who live in the same neighborhood, is something we should all do. It shows an excitement for life that sometimes gets lost somewhere in childhood. I will not only be taking more walks with Riley I will be taking more Riley walks with Kurtis and Lynk.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lynk is here!!!!

Lynk Dougles Gibson is here. Born January 19th at 1:04 in the morning. 7 pounds 12 ounces, 20 1/2 inches long.

40 weeks and 4 days of pregnancy was amazing. I loved almost every minute. I was healthy, happy and ready. For the most part I had an almost perfect pregnancy. I loved feeling him move. I loved talking to him. I was amazed everyday that our baby was living inside of me. Our baby was seeing and hearing and finding his hand and toes while inside of me. I never thought being pregnant would be so amazing.

It was nothing compared to delivery day. The feeling that we were going to be holding Lynk within 24 hours was incredible. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. It hurt a lot but even in the moment I knew it was the best thing I had done in my life. Then I saw him. Our beautiful baby boy was in my arms. I could feel how soft his skin was. I could hear his cry and smell his newborn smell. Holding him and seeing Kurtis hold him was more beautiful then pregnancy. At first I couldn't believe he was actually ours. For the first few days we were learning how to be parents and watching Lynk every second we could. It was so great.

It is said that the excitement of a new baby helps you get through the first two weeks. I think that is very true. In the first two weeks when he would wake up at two or four or five in the morning I would jump out of bed. When he would eat I would watch his face in amazement, wondering how something so beautiful could come out of me. I didn't really think about the lack of sleep I was getting. The only thing I thought about was how much I love my son and how much I love my husband for being so helpful and for loving Lynk as much as he does.

Now it's a little different. I still love both of them more then I could have ever imagined. I don't jump out of bed now, it is more like a fumble while I try to open my eyes. While I am feeding I am trying not to fall asleep. I am really really really tired and a little bored from being stuck at home. The real part of new motherhood has started and I love it. I love being tired because I am the only one who can breastfeed my son. I love being able to do nothing around the house because he eats all the time, or because he'll cry when I put him down. I love being Lynk's mom.

He is three weeks old today and today is more exciting then delivery day. He looks at me, when I sing his eyes get really big. He calms down when I hold him. He makes the cutest noises when he eats. I can tell he is growing just by holding him. Kurtis looks at him the way every son should be looked at by there father. He loves his pacifier. He can hold his head up for a good 45 seconds. He follows what he is looking at when it moves.

It just keeps getting better. I just hope time goes a little slower so I can enjoy every moment.

Christian and Veah...Oh so cute!