Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Treats for everyone but me :(

We went to treats in the streets. It was fun! Unfortunately Lynk only experienced the street not the treats.

He went as a Lynkasourious

Look at all the cuties

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

9 months

Our 9 month old boy is growing so fast. He is a joy to be around, doing all sorts of fun and exciting things. He has started to be a hyper little guy. We love him so much. Here are some of his favorite things to do.
1. EAT
2. cuddle with mama and daddy
3. practice standing by my self , I think I am up to a minute
4. Bath time (I crawl to the bath as fast as I can when I hear it go on)
5. Be chased and then tickled
6. Play out side
7. dance, I do a nice booty shake
8. Point at places I want to go or things I want
9. read books, I can turn the pages now and point to all the fun stuff inside
10. Laugh, my parents are really funny
Here are some things he doesn't like too much
1. dipper changes
2. Cloths
3. swings
4. sleeping by himself at 4 in the morning
5. broccoli

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just some cute pictures

He started to sleep on his tummy!
He is a very fast crawler.

He loves taking showers and baths
with mommy and daddy.

This is his first time with a cookie
we had to take it a way because he
tried to put the whole thing in his mouth

Now he tried a home made cookie

He love to eat. Mostly bananas.
He knows how to take bites from
a whole one.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

how fun is this

Lynk has been getting very strong in the last month or so.
He can sit up from a laying position and then he can pull him self up to stand. He has just started crawling. Because of this new strength two awesome things have happened. 1)He crawls over to me to cuddle. This is so fun. 2)He also stands up in his crib and says mama mama mama! Kurtis and I are so proud of our little guy. He is growing up and doing the cutest things. Standing on his own in a brand new thing too. He can stand with no help for a few seconds. I am excited to see what he does this week. We are just so in love with him. He makes our family so beautiful.

Christian and Veah...Oh so cute!